Sweet & Savory: Rosemary Nut Mix
Something that I find most satisfying as an innate host personality is when company comes knocking and you’ve got an ace in the hole recipe ace up your sleeve. There’s just something about whipping something up while your guests settle in for a spell, catching up over drinks, watching as their noses turn towards the kitchen to catch the aroma as the treats finish their time in the oven. Also, bonus if it’s a snack that everyone can enjoy together or separate – like these!
Celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian American & Pacific American Heritage Month – a celebration of Asian and Pacific Islander individuals and communities in the United States. In this blog, you can find information on ways to support and celebrate the AAPI community.
May Art Walk Featured Artist: Paz
Everett Art Walk is a community-led project where local artists are celebrated monthly by our downtown galleries and businesses. Held on the third Thursday evening of every month, we are proud to be participating in this long-standing Everett tradition
Words of Wellness: Fun in the Sun
As we start to see less rain and more sun, most of us will desperately need sunscreen to keep from burning. Here are my top three favorite Wellness products for fun in the sun!
Sweet & Savory: Apple Sauce Cookies
Sometimes you want a piece of cake, but you only want a single piece and not the whole thing (I know, I know – blasphemous of me to assume such a thing could happen.) I find that tiny little cakey cookies often do the trick for me, especially as they’re not traditionally my kind of cake or cookie - and they’re easy to hand the remainders out to other hungry folx if you know you won’t eat them all.
April Art Walk Featured Artist: Rosemary Jones
Everett Art Walk is a community-led project where local artists are celebrated monthly by our downtown galleries and businesses. Held on the third Thursday evening of every month, we are proud to be participating in this long-standing Everett tradition.
Words of Wellness: Sustainable Personal Care
In honor of Earth Month, Taryn shares a few of her favorite sustainable personal care products with us.
Sweet & Savory: Cardamom Palmiers
We’ve hit the windy rainy season, where nothing quite satisfies like a warm beverage under a blanket by the window with your dog curled up on your feet, listening to the rain hit the panes while you make your way through your latest book (me!) Or, maybe this sort of setup isn’t quite your vibe: you’re the one who straps on your wellies, grabs every tool and bucket you own, and you head out into the elements to turn your flower beds, trim the trees, and get your bulbs planted for the year (lookin’ at you, ma.)
NCG Partners with CDF’s Disaster Recovery Fund to aid Ukrainian Co-ops
Ukraine’s cooperative businesses and members are at risk as Russia’s invasion of the country continues. In a show of solidarity, National Co+op Grocers (NCG) has partnered with the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) and NCBA CLUSA to launch a fundraising drive to support the Ukrainian cooperative community’s immediate and ongoing needs during this time.
Words of Wellness : Host Defense
Most of us who live in western Washington have at least a passing interest in mushrooms, but for Ohio transplant Paul Stamets they are a fascinating solution to many of life’s problems. Paul started Fungi Perfecti in 1980 as a resource for fellow mushroom enthusiasts and sold guide books and supplies for growing and foraging mushrooms.
Sweet & Savory: Olive Oil Cake
Remember in the fall of 2019 when time spent in the kitchen was just the food space in your house, before it became your second bedroom? The one where you spent (and let’s face it, probably still spend) hours a day standing in front of your open fridge shoveling snacks into your mouth to pass the time? When we were all quarantined in our homes for quite a while? The boredom of it all?
Words of Wellness: Moon Valley Organics
In 1998 a couple named Aaron and Kim Otto took their first steps towards making their dream of an organic and sustainable skincare line come true; with a few quality homemade products, Moon Valley was born.