special orders & product suggestions
Are there products you'd like to order in bulk or by the case? Is there something we don't carry in the store that you'd like us to get for you? We're happy to place special orders on your behalf and to hear what you’d like to see in our store.
special orders
If it's available from our distributors and they have it in stock, then we can order it for you. The Co-op buys from several different distributors, so order turn-around time will vary. Most items can be here within a week from when we place your order. See our policy page here for complete details.
How does a special order work?
To place an order, click the “SPECIAL ORDER INQUIRY FORM” button below and complete the form.
Within a few days, you will be contacted with the availability, pricing, and approximate delivery times from a department manager.
You will be asked to place or cancel your order at that time.
Once placed, your order is final.
You will be contacted once the order has arrived at the co-op, and we ask that you pick it up within seven days*.
Any customer may submit special orders; Sno-Isle Food Co-op Owners receive a 10% discount on cases.
Want to leave a comment, make a suggestion, ask a question, or have another communication need? Please use our contact form here.
*some orders may need to be picked up within 72 hours; we will let you know if that is the case
product suggestions
Is there a product you wish we carried? Do you have a favorite local item that you'd love to see on our shelves? We want to hear from you! We want our offerings to reflect our community's needs, but due to minimal space and distribution issues, please understand that we may not be able to carry every suggested product.
Product Suggestions are reviewed weekly and you can opt in to be contacted about your request.