Dr. Mi-Jung Lee

We are proud to welcome Dr. Mi-Jung Lee to our co-op's classroom. With years of experience, Dr. Lee walks us through the mystery that is our hormones! Read on to learn more about Dr. Lee and click below to learn about each class.

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As an integrative medical practitioner trained and nationally certified in both western and eastern medicine, Dr. Lee uses various testing and diagnostic methods including functional medical tests and traditional signs such as tongue, pulse and body constitution.  Many patients appreciate having their tailored and integrated treatment options including diet and nutrition, herbs and formulas, vitamins and minerals, hormones, and acupuncture.  Currently, she is incorporating functional-genetic-based-preventive medicine for healthy aging.   Also experienced in esthetic medicine, she also offers mesotherapy-European injection therapy-and cosmetic acupuncture for wrinkles, scars and hair loss.  Prior to joining Sound Holistic Health Clinic, she practiced at Tahoma Clinic and worked at Meridian Valley Laboratory for over five years, and prior to that practiced in Los Angeles, California.

A native of Seoul, Korea, Dr. Lee has a genuine passion for, and finds her life calling through, helping people of all ages and backgrounds to restore their health.  She serves as a board member of Korean American Health Care Professional Association and member of Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

Dr. Lee is fluent in Korean, English and speaks basic Spanish and enjoys outdoor pursuits such as hiking, sailing, rollerblading, biking, swimming and skiing.  She is a volunteer for Seattle Symphony and the Alternative Healthcare Access Campaign. She was nominated by peers as a Doctor of the Year in Seattle Magazine, 2015.


Artist of the Month: Cat Snapp


Artist of the Month: Eli Wolff