Wellness Wednesday: LastObject
From beauty swabs to facial rounds, LastObject offers reusable versions of everyday items.
Each LastSwab will get about 1000 uses, that's just shy of three years if you use it every day. Each swab is recyclable after use, and the case is made out of recycled ocean plastic. Available in classic, beauty, and baby safe.
The LastRound is an awesome product for people who remove makeup, use facial toner, and remove nail polish often. The rounds are made of organic cotton and are machine washable, the case is also made from recycled ocean plastic.
The LastTissue is essentially a pack of hankies but thoughtfully produced to keep things as sanitary as possible. Each pack has an opening in the top and bottom, as well as a divider so you can keep your clean tissues separate from your used tissues. The tissues are organic cotton and machine washable. The case is food-grade silicone and dishwasher safe for easy sanitization.
Owners save 10% on all LastObject brand items this Wednesday, October 27th.