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Survival Strategies for Parents of Picky Eaters

Do you have a picky eater in your household? Do you stay awake at night wondering if your children are getting the nutrition they need to be healthy now and in the future? You are not alone! This can be downright frustrating, exhausting, and even scary. However, there is a solution. Based on her own experience as a mother and her passion for wellness, Gina Diamond offers strategies and recipes to get your kids to thrive emotionally and physically by sneaking love and health into every bite™.

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I'm Gina Diamond, Nutritional Strategist, Author, and mother of a former picky eater. With over 20 years working as a life coach, environmental and social justice advocate I promote holistic wellness and my clients say I am creative, compassionate and dedicated to bringing out their best potential. 

Learn more on Gina’s website!

June 7

Co-op Wine Tasting

June 15

Water Heaters 101