Plastic Free July at the Co-op

Plastic Free July is a global movement that aims to raise awareness of the amount of plastic in our lives by encouraging people to reduce their reliance on single-use plastic disposables, reduce plastic pollution, and push for lasting solutions to the plastic pollution crisis- during July and beyond.

According to a 2016 study by the World Economic Forum, more than eight million tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year. By 2050, models project there will be more pounds of plastic than fish in the oceans. We recognize that large corporations and governments must be at the forefront of change. While the statistics can feel overwhelming, there are simple habits that most folks can adopt to reduce the plastic waste stream. 

Worldwide single-use plastics create billions of tons of waste each year, but learning to make slight changes can add up to significant improvements. Throughout the remainder of July, we will offer tips and resources to help folks make healthy new habits, save money and reduce single-use plastic waste. Check out our Facebook pageInstagram, and Threads accounts for those!

Here are some simple ways to start reducing plastic waste today: 

  • Bring reusable bags when you shop. 

  • Invest in a stainless-steel water bottle and reusable coffee mug. 

  • Use reusable straws and utensils. 

  • Use cloth produce bags from home, or don’t use a plastic bag for produce and wash it once you’re home. 

Here’s some of what we are doing here at the Co-op to reduce waste: 

  • We offer reusable bags and containers for sale (and a free exchange bag station in our north hallway), paper bags, compostable deli packaging, and produce bags.

  • Shoppers are encouraged to bring clean bags and containers from home to fill with bulk goods. 

  • We have large, refillable glass water bottles for purchase and a bulk water filling station. 

  • We carry milk in glass bottles that can be returned and reused.

  • If you are ordering a fresh juice or smoothie from our deli, we are happy to pour it into your own reusable cup!

Learn more about Plastic Free July over at their website here.

It’s no small feat to be plastic-free, as plastic is fused into nearly every aspect of our lives. But with small changes, we can begin to make an impact and initiate positive change.

What are some ways you reduce your plastic waste?


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